Here they are together playing dress up. Gosh they are cute. Allison is growing so fast and is such a blessing. She is helpful and intelligent. Most of the time she is thinking of her sister. Even though the age span they get along together so well and look out for each other. Amaris turned 2 in August. She decided to pick up her spoon and take a bite of the whole cake. It was pretty cute. Both Grandparents were there to celebrate. This was G&G Stone's first trip to our new home in Marion, IL. It was fun and exciting.
Here is Allison getting ready for her first Upward Cheerleading game. She was pretty excited about doing this again. In the last month of Upward Amaris has begun doing cheers too. She will say "Ready, OK. (then wiggle and kick her feet) and say"Upward, Upward."
More things that have happened this summer is that Shane is down 50 lbs and you can see it here. Yes you may have to turn your head sorry, but look at his profile. He is wearing one of his smaller shirts and now it is roomy on him. He has gone down 2 sizes in pants and almost 3 sizes in shirts. He looks great. I have gone down 2 sizes in pants and 3 sizes in shirts, with just a 20lb weight loss.
Allison is growing she is 57lbs and almost 4ft tall. Amaris is 28lbs and is 32 inches tall. Amaris has gone from a size 4.5 shoe in July to a 6.5 now needing a 7 in some shoes. They grow so fast.
We will be going to Florida-Disney, SeaWorld, etc. for Allison's birthday.
More pictures to come, Allison decided to get her hair cut again.